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6 tips for balancing ramadan and motherhood

6 tips for balancing Ramadan and motherhood

RAMADAN OF PAST Three years ago this is how my Ramadan was. Alhamdulilah. For all 30 days, I completed all what I set out to do. That was during my pre-motherhood,  pre-pregnancy, pre-marriage, pre-engagement days. In short,  I was single and free with no responsibilities. Alhamdulilah. RAMADAN OF PRESENT Fast forward 3 years later and


An ode to my daughter.

01/08/2015  16:55 I heard your first cry. ‘Everything is fine! ‘ Traumatic ordeal – forgotten. Alhamdulilah Months of waiting and praying In my hands finally. So tiny. So precious. Alhamdulilah Your birth taught me the strength of my body, the resilience of my mind, the power of prayers. Alhamdulilah Two strangers united in love and