On a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai.
The pilot announced that we will soon land into Chathrapathi Shivaji International Airport. Baby is happy and not cranky during take off and during the flight but she cries hysterically while landing.
TH was tickling her and trying to make her laugh. Her joyful giggles and his content smile on seeing her. Sun rays filtering through the oval windows. Perfect moment. Alhamdulilah.
I was observing both of them and suddenly realized this is exactly what I had prayed for a long time. Alhamdulilah. Peaceful. Joyous. Fun- filled family life. Alhamdulilah.
As much as I wanted to take my phone and take a quick snap, I did not. I wanted to just simply soak in that precious moment rather than be lost behind my camera lens. Sometimes, photos cannot capture every emotion or words cannot convey the depth of every emotion.
Small moments add up to huge memories later on.