Quarter-life crisis is
- Feeling like you have no one to talk to even when you have people by your side.
- Watching ‘Gilmore Girls’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ episode after episode, at a stretch.
- Sleep cycle follows a different time-zone than the one you are in geographically.
- Living in at your parent’s place after 5 years of college freedom.
- Unpaid internships and feeling lousy about it.
- Scary thought of you turning out to be a cat-lady who knits all day.
- Refreshing Twitter and Instagram page at a rate of million times per second.
- Tweeting about your every mentally deranged thought.
- Texting becomes way cooler than actual talking on phone
- Terrified of the question, “So what are you up to these days?”
- Wishing the earth would swallow you on hearing this, ” What are your future plans?”
- Making wrong decisions after wrong decisions.
- Finding God midst the confusion.
- Feeling totally alone. A disappointment. A failure – all in the same minute.
- Feeling like stuck in the same cycle of nothingness.
- …while you see all your friends moving on with life.
- Hating any public events, community get-together or family parties.
- Missing all your friends, even your first-grade enemy.
- Living in the virtual world aka ‘The Internet’
- Unread books are your best friends.
- Losing and gaining weight as though it depends on the air you breathe.
- Wondering everyday when will this rut of despair get over.
- Getting up one fine morning to realize you have successfully survived the crisis era.
(Linking it to NaBloPoMo)
Hi Shahira
I remember being there too…trust yourself, listen to your heart, be grateful for all you have and all things change.
Praying that it changes soon. Thank you for your kind words.
I have shared this on Facebook. Absolutely loved it!
Aw.. Thank you for your appreciation 🙂