This post is about taking care of your child’s curly hair. Discusses the Curly Girl Method, products used, how to brush & more. Click to read.
Category: Daughter
An unexpected lockdown and its effect on young toddlers. How to overcome it and keep them busy? Click to read more.
It has been nearly 2 years since we moved. By the beach. Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is pull up the curtains and look at the beach. There is something calming about water. Deep blue. Or deep green. Or some days it is lifeless and pale. When the wall
Guest Post by Haifa Thajudheen from Paper Batter Banter and Tutorial by Esha from Quiet Books, Canada Quiet books or busy books have become a rage now, a highly in-demand toy, for toddlers and preschoolers. Quiet books are made of a compressed fabric called FELT and these books contain many quiet activities to entertain
Ramadan after becoming a mother is very different – a version of Ramadan 2.0 with its own unique situations and obligation. Some days go great with everything done on time, the set number of pages recited from the Holy Qurán while the kids eat their food with no tantrums and no untoward incidents. Well, some
(An earlier fun post on cloth diapers) I have been hooked onto cloth diapers even before my baby was born. My initial attraction towards them was because of their beautiful prints and hence another accessory to match with my baby’s frocks. Let’s say, I went a wee bit overboard with my addiction which has been
As a new mother, one of the wonderful things I discovered was the highly happening place called Facebook Groups. I learnt about attachment parenting and natural parenting there. I learnt kitchen hacks and Montessori activities for infants. Also I made friends with new mothers who had the same ideals as I do. With the low organic
For a few days now, I have been living with the guilt and sadness of having taken a break from my career, for which I have worked since 2006. There are so many factors that made me take this decision. Some days , I feel guilty that all I do from morning to night is
As a first time mother, one of the most nerve wrecking situation is when your baby has an unfortunate fall or a bump on the head. How ever careful you are, it does happen often, especially when they have just started learning how to crawl or walk. Even if you are a calm person otherwise,
In the summer of 2015, when I was heavily pregnant and waddling through Gulf Mall, unsure and confused of what to buy for the newborn from all the checklist I had come across, I had decided I will make a minimalist guide for newborn baby shopping. (Yeah, this post have been gathering dust in the
I have been cloth diapering for almost a year now. When you hear ‘Cloth Diaper’ do not picturize plastic covers and flats with safety pins like what our mothers and grandmothers used. Instead, the modern cloth diapers are trendy with beautiful prints and are trim diapers made of organic cotton/microfiber/hemp/bamboo cotton, PUL and a few
Author – Manaal Jafrey-Razaque Illustrator – Tanya Emelyanova Publisher – Prolance Available – Official page & Amazon Growing up in an average Muslim household, we are taught that Allah has 99 names right from a young age. This book is a perfect aid in helping children understand about
Dear little girl, I have meant to write this for a little while now. Well, busy with an ever busy toddler 😀 You have blossomed into a lovely hyperactive one year old girl. Alhamdulilah. My heart swells in pride over your every milestone – every step and every word. ( I hope I don’t become