The first grandchild of the family is always welcomes with much fanfare and adulation


You are our biggest blessing in the tiniest package.
You are our heartfelt prayers answered.

Your soft baby voice is our antidote to sadness.
Your distress cries breaks our heart.

Your firsts – smile, step, word are eagerly awaited.
Your antics are our daily dose of laughter.

You epitomise the meaning of your name – safety*.
You make us feel at peace – forgetful of our worries.

You teach us to be patient and compassionate.
You make us reflect on God’s infinite miracles.

Your reaction on recognising your mother, melt hearts.
Your squeal when your father returns – joyous.

Your smile lights up every room in the house.
Your pain makes every fibre of our being ache.

You are truly, Qurrath al Ain** – coolness of our eyes.


May God protect you from every harm, every sadness and every illness and may He shower you with His bountiful blessings.    

Dedicating it to my 1 year old niece – Amna. ( *Meaning n. – Safety, Security, Peace)

** For word lovers- Qurrath al Ain is a common Arabic phrase (and Quranic phrase) which in literal translation means coolness of your eyes. An unequal English translation would be apple of the eye/tears of joy etc. To literally visualise the word, imagine walking on a hot day in the depths of the desert with ferocious sandstorms wailing about , having to keep your eyes open but yet not being able to due to sand flying about. All we would expect at such a moment is something to cool our eyes with. This phrase is usually used in reference to prayer, a loving spouse or children.

(Another prompt I am planning to do this year is ABC Wednesday. Here is the first post starting with letter A)

An ode to my lovely niece - the first grandchild in our family.

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