On a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai. The pilot announced that we will soon land into Chathrapathi Shivaji International Airport. Baby is happy and not cranky during take off and during the flight but she cries hysterically while landing. TH was tickling her and trying to make her laugh. Her joyful giggles and his content
Tag: Daily Prompts
From the time I was 11 or 12, whatever is it that I chose to wear- skirt & top, jeans & kurta, salwar kameez or the abaya – there has been an extra fabric on my head, covering my hair, popularly called as the HIJAB. On doing a quick Google search, you will realize the
Place where I grew up : Doha, Qatar Class gradation and caste differences was something I was not aware of during my childhood days. Everyone had the same Staedtler Pencil and Faber Castell Colour Pencils. It was assumed everyone was from reasonably well-to-do families. Some of our neighbours were from Syria, Egypt or Palestine (besides