(I started this series ‘Letters to my unborn child’ during the April A to Z Challenge which sadly I never completed due to all the stress and workload I was under back then. Here I am trying it out again since this is something I really want to document. Hope I am successful this time around.)
Dear baby,
Death. How can I talk to you of death when you haven’t yet experienced birth? I ask myself that absurd question. Yet this thought lingers in my head.
I experienced the pain and grief due to the death of a close one at the age of 15 only – My maternal grandma. But for your Dad, death of a closed one and its impact has overshadowed his life since he was 1 year old. Every decision, every milestone and every turning point of his life has been affected by that immense loss.
It scares me. When should I talk to you about the concept of loss, death and grief? Or will life teach you before I can ever explain to you? God forbid!
But I share with you this verse from the Holy Qur’an, ‘Kullu Nafsin dhaikathul mout’. Every soul shall taste death. (3:185)
Indeed that is the most basic stone-inscribed raw but ‘true-est’ fact of life.
I pray you are protected from the grief and sadness of losing your support and pillar. I pray you and your Dad are blessed with a long, healthy happy, iman filled life.
Also, I pray if you are ever tested with the tribulation of loss, He gives you strength, wisdom and love to face the rest of your days.
I love you. I am so looking forward to meet you. I can feel your twists, turns and squirms inside me. Though I cry at times with the pain, there is nothing I would do to change this. I can’t wait to kiss your tiny fingers and toes. ♥
Few more days to go, Insha’Allah.
Love, Mom.