Ramadan of my childhood

Ramadan 16, 1437. June 21,2016   Ramadan of the past. Growing up in Doha, Ramadan has always been a ‘festival’. The entire place has a transformation. There is really an aura of peace and tranquillity. In our household of six, Ramadan is always the favourite month of the year. There is an extra vigour for

Ramadan traditions

Building our Ramadan traditions

Our first Ramadan together as a family. I am busy preparing for Ifthar. Fries and Juice.  He was cutting all the fruits. Little girl is having her floor time. She has just mastered crawling. The food is arranged on the table. Little girl’s high chair is also put together. Watermelon and dates are cut in

6 tips for balancing ramadan and motherhood

6 tips for balancing Ramadan and motherhood

RAMADAN OF PAST Three years ago this is how my Ramadan was. Alhamdulilah. For all 30 days, I completed all what I set out to do. That was during my pre-motherhood,  pre-pregnancy, pre-marriage, pre-engagement days. In short,  I was single and free with no responsibilities. Alhamdulilah. RAMADAN OF PRESENT Fast forward 3 years later and


Ramadan memories

1st day of Ramadan 1437 – June 6th, 2016 In every Malabar household, Pathiri is the staple diet for Ramadan. Not making pathiri for Ramadan is like having an incomplete  ifthar! Pathiri making is a laborious,  technique sensitive process. The first part is making the dough. Boil hot water and slowly add in the rice

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