
Qatar is the place where…

I spent my childhood.
My brother was born.
I did my schooling.
I made forever friends.

Wakrah hospital – Aug 1, 2015

I had opportunities to fine tune my public speaking skills.
I got my first works published in a newspaper as a child(Peninsula/Gulf times).
I spent every vacation during college days.
I struggled through my severe quarter life crisised year.
I learnt to drive.
I got my first job (and the second job).
My niece was born.
I met my better half.
We set up our first house after marriage.
We had our tiny mini-honeymoon.
Our daughter was born.

Qatar is home.          

Participating in the Qatar  bloggers link up at Follow Your Sunshine. (As always I get to know of link ups in the very last minute. Fashionably late!)

Qatar - My home away from home

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8 Replies to “Qatar.”

  1. Would love to see the first works published on the newspaper as a child. 🙂

    Thank you for joining #QatarLinkUp, don’t forget to visit the other blogs on there and share the comment love. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Qatar. | Shahira

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