
Prized Books

Over the years, I have learnt from… ▪Uncle Quentin’s love of science ▪Hermione Granger inquisitiveness and hardwork ▪Julian Kirrin’s sense of responsibility ▪Patricia and Isabel’s (O Sullivan) companionship ▪Nancy Drew’s eye for details ▪Frank and Joe Hardy’s sense of adventure ▪Howard Roark’s passion for his profession ▪Liesel Meminger aka Book thief’s love for words ▪Dr.

Through their eyes – Perspective

Situations when it is easy to see from another person’s perspective : ●While feeling loved/loving ●Happy moments/situations ●While feeling Calm and composed ●If we have gone through the same situation before/read about it ●Knowing someone personally who has gone through the same situation   Situations where it is really difficult to see from another person’s