Through their eyes – Perspective

Situations when it is easy to see from another person’s perspective : ●While feeling loved/loving ●Happy moments/situations ●While feeling Calm and composed ●If we have gone through the same situation before/read about it ●Knowing someone personally who has gone through the same situation   Situations where it is really difficult to see from another person’s

generation gap

Scotland dreams

  After graduating with Bachelor’s of Dental Surgery, the options available for an Indian dentist are : 1) Work in a Private/Government hospital or go into private practice. 2) Clear the Post Graduate Entrance Examinations. 3) Post Graduation abroad. Clear the required Qualifying exams of the country. While searching for option 3, I came across

Award Galore-2

Big smile. A second award on the blogosphere. The Liebster Award nominated by the lovely Livid Frost. Thank you so much ! Just a month on WordPress and I am totally enjoying blogging here. The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers with less than 200 posts and followers.  Thank you once again, Livid Frost

Award Galore – 1

Nearly 10+ days ago, I got a notification filled-with-chocolate-and-cookies from The Mad Muslimah stating she had nominated me for the Sunshine Award. Wohoo. Alhamdulilah.  Thank you so much, The Mad Muslimah for the award, my first one in the blogosphere. Guys, head over to her blog to read of this brave heart’s story in dealing