
Mom, I am back home,’ screamed Sarah from the front door. Her mom replied back in a puzzled and frightened tone, ‘ Who are you? Why is there a stranger in my house?’

Oh mom, not today, I am really tired and I cannot bear this drama now,’ came the hurt retort.

Sarah went back to her room and sprawled herself on to the bed. Feeling dejected and exhausted from this daily ordeal. Her eyes went to the self-made poster of reminder on her wall. It read – Your mother’s dementia makes her forget who you are but you cannot let that make you forget who she is to you.

She smiled, sighed and went downstairs with some old photos. Every one needs a reminder, occasionally.

(Write Tribe is having the Festival of Words and today’s challenge is to write a fiction in 9 sentences)

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12 Replies to “Demon-tia”

  1. Oh! This is so so relevant to the society these days. Dementia or not, we all need reminders some times, going by the philosophical perspective. Thanks for penning this

  2. Heart felt story and it’s sad how dementia makes us strangers. It’s true, old memories can help refresh the mind and we must never abandon parents in need of love. Time for pay back and it’s true in relationships.

  3. Agree, it is equally tough for the caregivers of people suffering from mental illnesses, but yes, perseverance and patience is the key and yes we need reminders on some days! Loved your story and the title too! 🙂

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