A to Z arabic words in english

A to Z Challenge – Theme Reveal

Somewhere in January, I signed up for A to Z Challenge in a heightened blogging frenzy. Now, I am in a tight spot if I should do this challenge or not.

I am not a quitter so I want to stay true to my word, but at the same time I have my own qualms regarding the challenge. I am a typical introvert online and offline. Which means I find it hard to socialise/network with many people on a long basis. Since networking happens to be one of the aims of the A to Z challenge, I donot know how far I will actually keep up with that. At the same time, reminding myself not to read into it too much and instead just enjoy the blogging experience.

My THEME for the challenge is – A to Z of Arabic words in English. A small write up of how the beautiful rich language of Middle Eastern origin has it’s influence in the English speaking world though it is rarely known. When the European countries were living in the Dark Ages, the Arab world was excelling in the field of literature, medicine and mathematics.

My posts shall be simple and short with just one word for the day, explaining the etymology and origin of the word. Maybe a couple of sentences regarding the subject.

Come, join me for the next 26 days in this A to Z journey in the month of April.

Looking forward to read a plethora of opinions, viewpoints and stories from all over the world via this exciting A to Z Challenge.

Peace. Salaam

A to Z Arabic Words in English


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8 Replies to “A to Z Challenge – Theme Reveal”

  1. O you’ll enjoy reading other posts introvert or not! It WILL be time consuming! I so look forward to reading your posts come next week. The etymology of words holds a fascination for me .. I wonder about unknown words and try to figure out their origin as eg in Latin words.

  2. Hello fellow Introvert! I’m pleased you’re doing the April A – Z challenge and I love your topic/theme. I read the eight suggestions about how to keep the challenge manageable although it still seemed a bit hectic, socially, for an introvert. We can do our best Shahira and that is always enough. I am already a follower of yours and will be looking out for your contributions in the month ahead.

  3. Found your blog in the A to Z challenge blog. As a fellow introvert myself I’m also a bit nervous about the challenge and me being an amature blogger, I’m a bit intimidated. But I’ve decided to give it a try. You’re theme sounds interesting, especially since I am currently living in the Middle East myself and am interested in languages in general, so I’ll keep an eye out for your posts this coming month. Good luck!

  4. What an interesting theme, I’ll bookmark you and pop back to read. Good luck with the challenge.

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