Calls Answered

I have never tossed a coin in a fountain and wished. I have never crossed my fingers and wished. I have never looked on a shooting star and wished.


I have prayed to my Lord, with my eyes closed, and tears springing, in the wee hours of dawn to protect me from sadness and grief.
I have prayed to my Rabb in the green carpeted Rawdah to remove the difficulties of my family and friends.
I have prayed in front of the Kaabah for all my affairs to be set right and bless me with tranquility.
I have prayed standing on the mount Safa to bless me with professional and personal success.
I have prayed during every journey I have undertaken for my adorable niece.
I have prayed when the first trickle of water touches my parched throat after a day long fast for my parents health and well-being.
I have prayed after every Salaah to be protected from a dua that is not answered.


I have been blessed with an answer to every dua either in a way I so wanted wholeheartedly or in a way that was the best for me.

For My Lord has promised in His Holy Book,
‘And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.”  (40:60)

(Daily Prompt from Daily Post : Three coins in the fountain
Have been away from blogging since a few days. Trying to get back into writing, Inshaallah)

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11 Replies to “Calls Answered”

  1. Beautiful.I liked the line “He answer to every dua either in a way I so wanted wholeheartedly or in a way that was the best for me.”.We often fail to understand that his No is also an answer to our prayers.

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