Qur’an – A literary miracle

This post is part of the A to Z Challenge. My theme for the month is A to Z of words in English with an Arabic origin.

Qur’an is the Holy Book for the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world. Mexico to Philippines, Sweden to Johannesburg, the language, the words, the pronunciation and the way of recitation of the Holy Qur’an remains the same. And so has it been for the past 1400 years !

Besides it being the spiritual guidebook for Muslims worldwide, it is also a book of literary miracles with every harakath, every thanween and every word having a meaning or reason for it’s usage. The soulful recitation combined with the onion-layered meaning of the words melts the heart of any word lover !


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0 Replies to “Qur’an – A literary miracle”

  1. Well said. These days I’m a bag of nerves since the finals are near and it is only Qura’an that gets me through the day.
    We Muslims are so lucky.

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