This post is part of the A to Z Challenge. My theme for the month is A to Z of words in English with an Arabic origin
Only in the Arab world can you see a Starbucks Coffee and a Qahwa joint in the same street. Rarely, do we realize the underlying connection between both the Eastern and Western word and worlds.
What is your morning drink? Tea, Coffee or none?
I leave you with this still from Gilmore Girls. Lorelai Gilmore and her famous love for coffee !
(This month will fly. I am sure. Already the third day of the A to Z Challenge. How are you people so prompt with reading blogs/commenting and updating? I am so behind in catching up ….already !! Lol)
Oh good, you like Gilmore Girls s well:-)
Yes. Absolutely ! I am on Gilmore Girls Marathon, of late !
I studied Arabic in college and I absolutely LOVE the language. I’m excited to see all your posts this month! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Oooh fun fact about Gilmore Girls: Alexis Bledel who played Rory actually hates coffee so in the show whenever she is driking it, it is actually flat coke. And as for myself, I prefer tea to coffee but I will drink both from time to time.
Yeah, I had read that in a Thought Catalog article ! 🙂
Oh yes coffee makes the world go round. I am really enjoying these origins of words. Excellent job!
Thank you !
Your blog is not linked back here. I would love to read yours too !
Great segue with the Gilmore Girls stills! I love learning about words. Cool theme!
Thank you !
My grandpa had an exquisite Turkish coffee cup that he kept in his China cabinet. I like to imagine its journey to America, as his mother brought it with her when she immigrated from Syria back in 1920. I love coffee, and all stories about coffee.
wow. Your family might be having many interesting stories from different parts of the world !
Thank you for stopping by !
Now that you have specifically mentioned, I see a relation between Coffee and Qahwah…I love coffee as equally as tea! 🙂
Good luck for the remaining letters for the rest of the month,
Thank you, Garima !
I’m behind on hopping from blog to blog and commenting, too. This is my first year, and I wasn’t really prepared. I started at seven this morning, and I’m still not done – plus, being new, I didn’t realize I should write all these posts in advance… So I have to write a post before I go to sleep tonight. 🙂 I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who is a little behind. Not good for you, but it helps for me to know I’m not alone. I’m certainly glad to be following your blog. Oh, and coffee? I agree with Lorelai. I only like it with my oxygen. 🙂
I wish you good luck and fun with the challenge ! I too am doing my posts on the day instead of scheduling them.
The challenge has helped me to read some new and interesting blogs.
Yup, it’s hard work the A-Z! You’ll need a holiday when April is over … and a good strong coffee with a celebratory something else in it. Nothing like a cuppa coffee to make it easier! I LOVE my coffee though have a cup of tea first thing in the a.m.
Thanks, great post!
Garden of Eden Blog
Yes, I am beginning to realize it’s a lot of hard work, but since I am in between jobs now, it is keeping me busy and stopping me from “worrying” about all the pressing issues here !
thank you ! 🙂
I love finding out the origin of words and this was such a revelation 🙂 I drink coffee in the morning but have cut back from my usual nearly 5 cups a day to a maximum of 2 only!
Thank you for stopping by here ! 🙂
The trick is to accept that you can’t visit every blog and comment- I visit only a few but make sure I read the posts rather than just liking and hopping on!
Yes, I too read the posts or else it’s plain cheating I suppose ! 😀
Firstly, thank you for coming over there. It’s yesterday I opened my blog after months. So no telling about how up to date I been on reading and following blogs. And like I mentioned, I was surprised to see some comments, including yours. And I am happy to see you again today. This A-Z challenge looks quite challenging. I have never dared to do something like that because of how regular I am over here. But I guess, this is indeed an exciting world to be. Remembering the word Qahweh took me back to schooldays when I had learned Arabic as second language and had translations to do from text. 🙂
Looking forward for more from you and yes, keep in touch. 🙂
Thank you for all the comments here and reading my little blog ! 🙂
For me, coffee please! 🙂
For me it is Tea> Coffee !
I like a flat white coffee or green tea in the mornings. And I absolutely LOVE Gilmore Girls so much I was convinced I am like Rory’s character since she also loves to write and is a literary genius. Haha I know, one can always dream right? (Random: I think Rory should have ended up with Jess! Hehe)
I am a mad GG fan ! It is like kind of therapy when I am absolutely bored or depressed ! Yeah, Jess was way better than Logan ! 😀